MicroOptical has formed a strategic alliance with worldwide industry leader Raytheon. This military partnership allows Raytheon and MicroOptical to provide military solutions to today’s armed forces. Designed with OSSA™ Technology (Open Sight for Situational Awareness), these extraordinary viewing systems are available exclusively through Raytheon.

Binocular Applications
Monocular Applications

Wearing the HMV-B2 (Head Mounted Viewer– Binocular), soldiers can view mission critical information while maintaining their natural vision of the immediate surroundings. The HMV-B2 increases situational awareness without compromising safety or security. In addition to being daylight readable, the display can also be used for nighttime viewing. The HMV-B2 emits extremely low light thereby minimizing the chance of detection due to illumination.
Integrated with Raytheon’s Driver’s Vision Enhancer (DVE) system, the HMV-B2 helps soldiers to see the battlefield and navigate their combat vehicles in daylight, darkness and degraded conditions. Ideal for viewing thermal images, drivers view the surrounding battlefield from an infrared camera that’s mounted outside their vehicle. Utilizing OSSA™ technology (Open Sight for Situational Awareness), the HMV-B2 allows drivers to maintain their natural vision. With less than 15% occlusion, the HMV-B2 preserves 85% of the driver’s natural sight — more than any other HMD in the industry. With the HMV-B2 mounted securely to a helmet, goggles or other eyewear, thermal images are perceived as a 15-inch monitor floating a few feet away. Drivers can easily choose to view the thermal images or look out the windshield if conditions are clear. Exhibiting combat-proven performance, the HMV-B2 provides hands-free, head-up viewing in a lightweight, ergonomic design.

Wearing the HMV-M1 (Head Mounted Viewer � Monocular), soldiers can view mission critical information while maintaining their natural vision of the immediate surroundings. The HMV-M1 increases situational awareness without compromising safety or security. In addition to being daylight readable, the display can also be used for nighttime viewing. The HMV-M1 emits extremely low light thereby minimizing the chance of detection due to illumination.
Integrated with Raytheon’s Thermal Weapon Site (TWS) systems, the HMV-M1 helps soldiers see into the night and in other low-vision conditions caused by smoke, haze and dust. Ideal for viewing thermal images, the HMV-M1 allows soldiers to view their weapon’s site (thermal camera) without having to physically look into the site’s eyecup. This can minimize kickback forces to the head when firing large guns and thereby possibly shorten reset time. With the HMV-M1 mounted securely to a helmet, goggles or other eyewear, thermal images from the weapon’s site are perceived by the soldier as a 13-inch monitor floating a few feet away. Thus, the soldier’s natural vision is maintained and his situational awareness is increased. With a mere 4% occlusion, the HMV-M1 preserves 96% of the soldier’s natural sight — more than any other HUD in the industry. In addition, by not having to look directly into the site’s eyecup, the weapon can be positioned over obstacles and around corners to see the battlefield ahead. The HMV-M1 enables combat forces to acquire and engage targets without compromising their position. Exhibiting combat-proven performance, the HMV-M1 provides hands-free, head-up viewing in a lightweight, ergonomic design.
Contact us to learn more about our products for Military applications.